Above all else, keep it JOYFUL!
Welcome to the
Miss Emily Violin Studio!
Nurturing a love of beauty and a habit of excellence from the beginning!
We cultivate a culture where love and excellence go hand in hand, where young people’s intellects and hearts are respected, where lofty goals are supported by a community, and the journey of becoming a musician is full of joy, triumph, and self-expression! We offer disciplined violin lessons in a nurturing environment where each student’s artistry can take root and flourish.
About Miss Emily
A highly sought-after pedagogue, violinist Emily Jane Price holds a Masters degree in Violin Performance and Pedagogy from the Peabody Conservatory. A vibrant and soulful artist, Price has enjoyed collaborating with several chamber ensembles and orchestras throughout the United States and Europe. Having made her solo debut at the age of twelve with the Utah Symphony under the direction of Joseph Silverstein, performance has been her love from a very young age.
Her sister love is teaching. Inspired by teachers Hiroko Primrose, Deborah Moench, Gerald Elias, Jack Ashton, Igor Gruppman, Vesna Gruppman, and Pamela Frank, Price seeks to contribute in a meaningful way to the development of young musicians. Early Childhood Music faculty at Peabody for eight years and Director of Music at Cedarcroft School for six years, Price loves to collaborate with other organizations promoting excellence in music education.
Teaching Methodology
Miss Emily Violin Studio pedagogy is built on a long-term vision that sees music as an invaluable form of communication where things that are deeply meaningful can be explored and shared. A student’s training to become fully expressive on the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto begins at the first lesson. Because developing this kind of musicianship demands great dedication, the question, “What’s music for?” is explored with every studio family.
Drawing from the technique and rich tradition handed down from students of Oistrakh and Heifetz, the community and philosophy of Dr. Suzuki, the ear training research of Dr. Edwin Gordon, the interaction between authenticity to a score, musical creativity, and fingering efficiency of Pamela Frank, this pedagogy evolves with each new discovery. It is molded to prepare students, with all their individuality, to thrive in a variety of musical settings, be it orchestral, chamber, studio, or solo artistry.
The Studio
Based in Baltimore, Maryland, Miss Emily Violin Studio cultivates the ideal environment for dedicated families with developing classical musicians to establish patterns of practice, inquiry, sensitivity, and creativity that will inspire them to become fully expressive on their instrument. A community that sees children as highly capable is fostered through weekly group lessons and daily parental involvement.
Offering the earliest years of music education through the most advanced levels of violin performance, Miss Emily Violin Studio holds, as Dr. Suzuki stated, “Where love is deep, much can be accomplished.” Students of the Miss Emily Violin Studio make violin study a major priority in their lives. They have received many honors including multiple performances at Carnegie Hall, winners of the American Protege International Competition, Maryland String Music Teacher’s Association Festival competition, and American Fine Arts Festival competition.
“Where love is deep, much can be accomplished.”
— Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Contact Us
Please contact us to find out if the Miss Emily Violin Studio is right for your family.
(801) 809-4079
2 Studio Locations in Maryland!
Baltimore City (Mt Washington) &
Baltimore County (Reisterstown / Glyndon)